Xmas Lunch Success

On Thursday the 7th December, 2023 our club had its annual Christmas Luncheon at the Grange Room of the Dingley International hotel. It was so pleasing to see our members enjoying the day and the company. 
Upon arrival members quickly found a table and Jan, our MC for the day introduced our President. Jim welcomed guests and urged them to enjoy themselves. Our meals were served, which were delicious and the festivities began. After our plates were cleared away Geraldine and Faye operated the spinning clock and awarded the winners with chocolates. Helen Scott was the winner of the hamper this year.
Jim presented Geoff Bakes with the President’s Award for his excellent service to the Club. Graeme awarded Penny McColl and Wendy Crawford with the inaugural Editor’s Pick for their outstanding photos which appeared in the Newsletter throughout the past year. Steve, after a bit of banter and a joke, introduced our entertainment for the day – Suzi McKellar and her assistant Val. Suzi had the audience in the palm of her hand and entertained us with some great songs.
I’d like to thank Jan for stepping into the void of MC at the last minute and as usual doing a sterling job.
Well, unfortunately all good things must come to an end and as this was the last activity for the year. I’d like to wish all our members a very Merry Xmas and a Happy, Safe and Healthy 2024.
See you all next year at our January lunch on Thursday the 18th January at the Flight Deck Bar & Grill at 12 noon.
Faye Wegat

Photography Awards Penny & Wendy
Geoff Bakes Winner President's Award 2023
Entertainer Suzy McKellar

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