Welcome to

Beaumaris Bay Probus Club

Friendship, Fellowship and Fun



Gelati Walk

On a hot autumn night, saved only by a lovely breeze, we met for our delayed annual gelati walk. Meeting in Spring St Sandringham we proceeded to walk east along Spring St to Tjilatjirrin Reserve. Never heard of it, well neither had I. Lots of chatter and then laughter when Penny found an abandoned scooter and tried to ...


BBQ 20 March

Come to a barbeque on the 20th March at Jim and Joan's place - 216 Bay Rd Sandringham at 5.00pm.  Sausages, salads and tea and coffee provided. Please BYO plates, cutlery, drinks and glasses. Parking is very limited so it is easier to park in a side street and walk across Bay Road.  To register, Joy will be on hand to ...


Dandenong Market Visit

On Friday February 7, four of us (I took three buddies this time) hopped on bus 811 in Mentone and got dropped off at the Dandenong Market. I could only get four tickets on that tour as it was fully booked. For just $25 we ate our way round this multicultural market as we listened to our guide Tim tell us story after s ...


Big Turnout for Lotus Gardens

What a fun relaxed day enjoyed by some 41 members! Cameras/phones were out in force yesterday photographing bridges, lakes, wetlands and of course the giant Waterlily. I believe even Gary was seen in the Fairy Garden and yes we have evidence. Many members commented about the low key nature of the even ...


March President’s Message

As I conclude my year as President, I have been thinking about Probus and its role in our community. Certainly there are very successful competitors such as U3A and Men’s Shed which compete for our membership. We have seen hundreds of Probus Clubs close over the last few years, not because of lack of members but becaus ...

Gelati tub

Gelati Walk

On Monday March 10 we will have our traditional gelati twilight walk. We will meet on the corner of Spring Street and Bluff Road, Sandringham (Melway 76 K12) at 7.00pm before walking along some of the local streets and through parkland for approximately 45 to 60 minutes. We will then visit Augustus Gelatery on the corn ...