Our Club provides guidance to members who would like to build their confidence online and extend their technical learning.
This 2024 initiative is part of a government sponsored program through Be Connected.
Individual and small group learning can be arranged through contacting our Club’s Tech Helpers – Marilyn Hubbard and Christine Simmons. Most of this assistance is provided through the use of members’ own mobile devices. There are some newly-acquired iPads and Samsung tablets that are available for loan to club members.
The aim of this program is to enhance people’s ability to engage with online services and do this safely.
Be Connected provides the resources for this online learning. There are masses of courses available AND IT IS FREE.

The ‘Be Connected’ site includes topics like:
Using email
Sending Photos
Safe Passwords
Avoiding Scams
iphone Setup
Online Banking
Browsing the Internet
Online Shopping
Laptops, getting started
Researching Family History
Facebook & Skype
Selling online with eBay
Setting up MyGov
There’s always something to learn. If you are interested, you can click below to get to the ‘Be Connected‘ website and have a look. Even if you are hesitant to register at this stage, you may like to just see what’s available. (If you decide to create an account, there is a section that asks for your Support Centre, please enter ‘Beaumaris Bay Probus Club’ in this space).
Have fun and CLICK HERE to have a quick look. https://beconnected.esafety.gov.au/
Many of these sessions are just 5 minutes long. It is a step by step approach. You can do it at your own pace

Get Online Week Event 16 October 2024
At the October General Meeting for members, we took the opportunity to recognise the club’s Online Learning Group for 2024. This project was in response to the Commonwealth funding we received for the purchase of several Apple and Samsung tablets for members’ learning.
Twenty-two members joined this program with various levels of technical knowledge. Digital mentors Marilyn Hubbard and Christine Simmons facilitated the process.
The approach was designed to focus on the individual learner’s needs. Some were able to try out the four new tablets while others came along with their own devices. Many participants were beginners eager to learn. Others had various levels of knowledge and had specific requests for what they wanted to learn. Many used the courses available on the Be Connected website.
On 16 October, each learner was presented a certificate for supporting the program.
Members have been encouraged to share their knowledge with others and to continue to build online confidence.
The learning support will continue to be offered in 2025.
Christine Simmons Digital Mentor