
President’s Report July 2023

Hi everybody. Winter may be upon us but you, the rank and file members of our Club, have been very supportive of all the meetings and functions we have held. 

A very impressive 62 members met for our June general meeting and we enjoyed the talk given by our visitor, Lisa, Faye’s daughter. 

Your Committee and Event Coordinators are working on a host of outings and activities and all we need is your support and involvement. 

During July, the Probus South Pacific management are sponsoring a meeting of Club Presidents in our area to discuss falling membership and lack of interest by members in general. Our Club could not be more virulent or involved! You are to be congratulated on being a benchmark group! 

Following in this vein, it was a great pleasure to have Mike hand over the Treasure-ship to Joan (Fry). Another example of volunteering for the benefit of the Club. Thanks Joan and welcome. The mid-year lunch held in June and organised by Faye and Geraldine was attended by 61 members and was a great success. Faye and Joy have been at it again and have booked lunch at Mordie HQ for Thursday, July 27. Also Joy is busy setting up a potential lunch outing to Caldermeade Farm and Café, Tooradin. This is a real treat with Morning Melodies, lunch and a stroll through a working farm. More information at our July meeting. 

I have said this before, but this is your Club and the Management Committee is keen to implement your ideas to continue the ethos of Probus. Thank you for your willing involvement. 
Have a great (even though it is cold) July. 

Cheers, Jim Tomlinson President 3 July 2023.             

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