Past President Steve McColl

President’s November Message

We have made it out of lockdown, free to get back to the new normal, now let’s hope nobody stuffs it up for us.  Covid 19 has presented us all with many challenges over the past two years and although the lockdown has been removed, the way we conduct our lives from now on will in itself present challenges never experienced by our generation. Keep in mind the Probus ethos of ‘Friendship, Fellowship and Fun’ with meetings and other activities being very happy social events.
Unfortunately, the in-house distancing requirements will not allow us to have a November General Meeting at the Golf Club. However, on a positive note we are going ahead with our Twilight BBQ/Picnic on the 11th November 2021 meeting at 5.00pm in Basterfield Park, Dane Road, Hampton East – look out for the notice from our secretary. We are also having our Christmas Lunch on the 8th of December 2021 at the Beaumaris Motor Yacht Squadron. Our activities co-ordinators are busy working towards our various programs starting up again. I’m sure this will bring a smile back to our faces.
Our Christmas Lunch will be a special day for us as we will be taking the opportunity to induct our new members. What a great way to welcome them into our club. We will also be entertained by Joy Meekings. Joy promotes herself as a Ten Pound Pom cum Pam Ayres. I am really looking forward to hearing her.
As you would be aware our main means of communication aside from our monthly newsletter is via the electronic medium, that is email. Most of these communications contain specific directions as to whom to reply to, including their email address. Often these directions are buried in the body of the email, unfortunately quite often members respond by choosing the reply button instead of the nominated email address; this sends the response back to the sender and not the nominated person. As you will appreciate, this results in a delay in the recipient receiving the information such as a booking, and so that reply then needs to be forwarded on. PLEASE, carefully read these emails and reply to the address given in the body of the email and NOT the originating address. As with any response a prompt one is most appreciated.
Stay safe and upright until we next merry meet.
Steve McColl President  8 November 2021

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