
President’s Message Sept 2023

Club demographic as at 30th August 2023. In the following analysis I have attempted to define the Club so we can properly focus on activities and recruitment policies to best foster the future of the Club. The Club has 89 members, of which 65 are females (73% of the membership) and 24 males (27% of the membership.) There are 34 members aged 80 years and above (38% of the membership) and 55 members under 80 years old (62% of the membership). From this demographic analysis we can be guided on what we do, where we go in the future and what interests to pursue. I have referenced 80 years-old because travel insurance becomes expensive, and our aches, pains and mobility become an issue. Retirement age – In 1995 it was 60 years for women and for men it was 65 years. However, in 2023 for both men and women, it is 67 years. In the future it will be 70 years for both men and women. Increasing the retirement age will put pressure on the ability to recruit ‘younger’ people. Unfortunately, men have a lower life expectancy, and this will be reflected in an imbalance of female/male members. Activities – While most of us are still managing physical activities, it soon becomes evident that sedentary activities could become more prominent. Then there is the cost of activities. With the ballooning cost of living, those on fixed incomes or pensions are finding it more difficult to support more expensive pursuits. And as we grow older, driving after dark becomes an issue for many. So, do we have a challenge to find activities that appeal to our members of both genders, and are cost effective and not too physical? I have not set out to identify solutions here but rather to identify what we are up against and need to be mindful of going forward.
Jim Tomlinson President

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