
President’s Message October 2023

Hi Everybody.
You would have seen the demographic summary of our Club in last month’s newsletter. This resulted from a desire to appreciate in detail who we are and what we might be capable of and was motivated by the establishment of a Cluster Group of Probus Clubs in our area.
The Cluster group has been established to assist struggling clubs to hopefully re-invent themselves. So far I have not seen anything raised at the Cluster Group meetings that would be of concern for us. But we must be mindful that with the passage of time we could find ourselves wanting too.
That said, there have been a few minor points we can pick up on.
The future of our Club is in our hands. Participation by members plus recruitment of new younger members will go a long way in cementing our future.
Choosing future functions/outings will be challenging. Costs are escalating and if we continue as an aging demographic some activities will become difficult for some members. Other clubs have organised extended bus tours. A four day three night excursion leaves little change out of $1,000 per person.
Icecreams aren’t 3 pence any more!
Your Committee will continue to find activities to arouse your interest. Any suggestions from members will be explored with vigour.
Cheers, Jim. President

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