
President’s Message November 2023

What an exciting time of the year this is. Football finals, spring racing carnival, daylight saving time and then Christmas. As the days warm up we get more enjoyment in the outdoors but in contrast we also have numerous lunches to enjoy. The Club’s activity organisers are constantly researching new destinations and outings and we look to the Club members to give support.
Geraldine McGann volunteered to assume the role of Activities Co-ordinator and has enlisted the services of Sue McGowan and Janette James as our new day tour convenors. Sue and Jannete are quite motivated and already doing great research. Day tours are very important to foster interest in the Club and now we have learned to live with covid, interesting and even exciting day outings are anticipated.
And now it is Christmas. While Christmas has it’s roots in Christianity it has morphed into a celebration of good will and good cheer for everyone despite their religious belief. Right now the world could do with a good dose of good will and good cheer. Aren’t we lucky to have Probus where we promote those goals!
On that note may we wish everyone a very merry Christmas and good health in the new year.
Jim Tomlinson President

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