Hey Big Spenders – Op Shop Shopping in the Burbs
With sincere apologies to William Wordsworth …..
I wandered lonely as a cloud
that floats on high o’er vales and hills,
When all at once I saw……
Aisle after aisle, shelf after shelf – of the most amazing bargains!
There’s no doubt about it, Janette came up with the goods (sorry about the pun!) with this little adventure.
Nine intrepid bargain hunters sailed forth on Thursday 16th January and hit four unsuspecting op shops, two in Mordialloc and two in Hampton. You can’t imagine the fun of like-minded shoppers sorting through the shelves and racks and exclaiming to each other at their “finds”. And we really didn’t cause to much disruption to other shoppers in the process.
Each of us managed to snag an item or two that is either going to be worn (Di, Marilyn), carried (Penny), mixed in (Marilyn), given as a present (Janette, Pauline) used as a salad bowl (Beryl, Michele), thrown on the couch (Roberta) or added to the dim dark cupboard where all unwanted/unused, spur of the moment purchases are kept. Sylvia takes the cake for being the most discerning shopper who managed to resist all temptations.
The Truly Scrumptious morning tea provided the energy to continue to leap in and out of our chariots and wet the whistle for more chatting and laughing as the day progressed.
Thank you, Janette, for your organisation of the day and for being so good at negotiating changes to our schedule – a born leader.
P.S. Just to be clear, NONE of the clothing items modelled in Penny’s photos were purchased!
😊Michele Backholer