
New President’s Message

I have just been inducted as President of the Club, and have just taken off that metal collar Jim put around my neck. Already I am asked for a President’s Message. Problem is I haven’t done anything yet.
However, reflecting on where I think the Club is and where I think it should go, I am reminded what a good job Jim Tomlinson has done over the past year as President. As newcomers to the Club, Jim and Joan have quickly assimilated into the Club and furthered its objectives.
As I mentioned at the AGM, our Club is doing very well compared to other Probus Clubs. We are financially secure , have a full Committee and many other conveners and helpers in varying capacities. We must not get complacent. It is only a year or two ago where we could not fill a number of Committee positions, and we all know that if we do not have people taking up Committee positions we will not have a Club. This is evidenced by the closure of a number of Probus Clubs in Bayside over the past year. The Committee believes our Club is progressing in the right direction and we will strive to continue the work that Jim oversaw and tweak some things where appropriate. The world is changing continually so we need to adapt to it.
In March we had a BBQ at Jim and Joan Tomlinson’s which was attended by more than 40 members. It was a great success. Thank you to the volunteers for the food and organisation, and Jim and Joan for the hospitality.
Also in March we had the Croquet evening attended by 26 members. Geraldine and Penny together with a number of other helpers put on an excellent ”spread”. We had a great evening with some very enthusiastic players. I think we had more people there for the social aspect of the evening, but that’s what the Club is for.
Should you have any suggestions for improving the Club please talk to me or any member of the committee
Mike Simmons President April 2024

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