A dedicated group who enjoy the challenge of Chinese Mahjong every Tuesday at 1.30. Venue: Cheltenham Golf Club.
Convenor: Phyl McLean (0430 037 485)
Mahjong will go into the Christmas Break with our last game on Tuesday 12th December at Cheltenham Golf Club – followed by a Xmas Bubbles at the Golf Club – & will recommence on Tuesday 16th January 2024 at 1.30 at Cheltenham Golf Club. Phyl McLean Mahjong Convenor 14 November 2023
JANUARY 2023 UPDATE Photos below of a recent game day. Mahjong Reporter Helen Lockett
Convenor Phil setting up
Getting Down to Business
Jim made wooden boards for new members Brian & Anne Seddon as he has done for many members. How happy is Anne!
Jan, so proud of her great win!
As Mah-jong is now being held every Tuesday (at 1.30pm at the Cheltenham Golf Club), Jocelyn Besly is no longer able to be the Convenor. Phyl McLean has very kindly offered to take up the position. It is important to have an idea of numbers who are attending, so please let Phyl know (0430 037 485) if you will not be coming. We have a keen group of players with some new people joining our ranks recently and we are happy to teach those who wish to learn the game.
Here is Jocelyn teaching Probus members at Cheltenham Golf Club on the first and third Tuesday every month. Club members are welcome to join this friendly group. Helen Lockett: Mahjong Reporter
UPDATE : 21 May
Under the excellent leadership of Carole Hunter a friendly group meets at the Cheltenham Golf Club at 2 pm on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month. Robyn, our newest player is thoroughly enjoying learning the rules of Mah Jong, being capably taught by Carole, with Laurie always ready to assist. Our two new Life Members, Jocelyn and Laurie, are regular players. New members warmly welcomed! Helen Lockett 25 May 2021