naked racer

January 2023 Lunch Naked Racer

Wednesday 25 January.12 noon.

Come along for a fun summertime lunch at the Naked Racer Bar and Cafe. It’s somewhere quite different as a hospitality venue; it has a classic and vintage motorcycle dealership with a motor cycle workshop and museum.
It has an extensive range of food and drink options.
The Naked Racer is located at 1 Grange Rd Cheltenham – very close to DFO Moorabbin and the airport.

Please Note:  Originally, The Naked Racer Cafe was planned for 18th January. They are not open that week so we have rescheduled the lunch for Wednesday the 25th January, 2023 at 12 noon. Please confirm with Faye if you are available for the change of date if you have already put your names down.
We would also like to see more members attending so if you haven’t indicated you would like to come please let Faye know because we need to book.
Thank you
Faye Club Secretary 0409265503

Naked Racer Cafe
Naked Racer Showroom

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