
Gelati Walk

On a hot autumn night, saved only by a lovely breeze, we met for our delayed annual gelati walk. Meeting in Spring St Sandringham we proceeded to walk east along Spring St to Tjilatjirrin Reserve. Never heard of it, well neither had I. Lots of chatter and then laughter when Penny found an abandoned scooter and tried to ride it. Through the reserve we walked which was occupied by lots of white corellas and a few pink and grey galahs and then we cut across the next oval back to Spring St. Then the rush was on as the lure of ice cream claimed all. So into the backyard of Augustus Gelatery where there was heaps of dripping ice creams and lots of chatter until the salesgirls told us they were shutting up for the night. Might have been a short walk but I am sure lots of fun was had by all. Thanks Ken and Liz.
Wendy Crawford – Walking Group Reporter 12 March 2025

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