
Doll House: Miniature Worlds of Wonder at Como – rescheduled Thursday 13 January 2022

Visit Como House  – “Step inside the doll house and lose yourself in a miniature world of wonder and intrigue. Exploring the doll house from its traditional form to the space it occupies in the virtual and intangible worlds, Doll House will transport visitors into the creative and subversive world of the doll house and miniature life. Featuring over 35 doll houses, furniture and accessories drawn from private collections, showcasing previously unseen houses from the 1880s to the present day. Together with furniture, accessories, ephemera and virtual experiences, Doll House unlocks the imagination of makers, collectors, activists and players and reveals the stories hidden in their miniature worlds.”
Cost is $11.
Coffee and snacks are available at the café if desired. Payment to be made via bank transfer to the Club’s bank account. Alternatively you can pay with credit card via the Shop on this website. Click on green button below to pay.

Marilyn Hubbard
Phone: 0412 336 440

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