Members share their craftwork skills and knowledge with each other.
When: 3rd Monday 1.30 at Golf Club
Convenor::Helen Scott (Ph 8797 5677)

Monday February 17 was our first craft session for 2025 with fourteen ladies attending. What fun we had catching up after our Christmas break, chatting and laughing, sharing photos, etc.
When it was time to begin our craft projects, I was able to get the ladies’ attention by using my new bell – a very thoughtful gift from Lyn Mather, so there’s much more decorum in the room now. A very special thankyou to Penny and Steve McColl who hosted our Christmas craft session and lunch, which was a perfect way to conclude a happy year.
Helen Scott (Convenor)
Our Craft Group had a slow start to the year as I had to have emergency surgery in March. After weeks of rehab,I was back to my old self and I’m now fit and well – thanks to my craft ladies, Probus friends and family.
Our August craft activity was as usual interesting and lots of fun. Joan Tomlinson brought two sculptures to show us. They were made by a member of her family and made out of fabric and sculptured into a dear little girl and a boy. Joan called the technique “Sculpt Drapery”. I googled “Sculpt Drapery – Jon Burns Fine Art- Sculpt Drapery & Folds” to find out more about this art form. It was fascinating to learn about this craft. I came to the conclusion that the sculptures Joan owns are very old and perhaps made with a different technique to the modern ones.
Pamela Spencer, our talented quilt maker, brought an orchid spike to show us. We all enjoyed its beauty and I was lucky enough to take it home.
September’s Craft Group are having a “Japanese Day” – making cards with a Japanese theme. I guess in October we will begin to think about what we will make for Xmas.
Helen Scott Craft Group Convenor August 2024

My wonderful Craft Girls met the challenge of making tuille Christmas trees this month. They look gorgeous and will have pride of place in their homes during the festive season.
A special thank you to Jim Scott (Marilyn’s husband) for making the base and upright for our trees.
Helen Scott Craft Group Convenor 18 November 2023

Easter Craft Class. We enjoy learning new skills and catching up with friends.
Helen Scott Craft Group Convenor

Helen Scott – Craft Group Convenor
Photos below of a happy craft group making “money socks” and pretty cards:

At long last the Craft Group has been able to meet and create on a regular basis after 2 years of Hit and Miss. It is so nice to share ideas and to enjoy each other’s company again. Last month we brought along Heirlooms we had in our homes to show each other. Brenda brought her grandmother’s beautifully beaded black evening dress. Some ladies brought pieces of crochet and I brought my christening dress made of pale pink silk. How clever were our mothers and Grandmothers?
I think we are pretty clever also. The month before we made Easter Rabbits using a wooden bead for a head and Easter Cards.
We welcomed some new ladies to our group this year and we are enjoying their company and we hope they enjoy our group.
Helen Scott, Craft Group Convenor 17 May 2022

Latest Update 5 Feb 2021
The Craft Group are resuming after 12 months and will meet on Monday 15th February at 1.30 pm at the Cheltenham Golf Club, COVID restrictions permitting.
SUMMER UPDATE 30 November 2020 :
Fifteen members of the Craft Group enjoyed a lovely afternoon at Beaumaris Concourse under the marquee provided by Bayside Council. Our leader, Helen Scott, brought some lovely Christmas craft decorations for each of us which was very much appreciated . We all enjoyed coffee and little treats in a very pleasant afternoon setting. Many thanks to Penny McColl for organising us. Very much enjoyed by all.
Geraldine McGann Activities Coordinator