An informal gathering of members who enjoy getting together in between the General Meetings. New members are very welcome.
We have recommenced our morning coffee gatherings on a monthly basis. Begun in 2012 by Graeme Storey at the Golf Club, this is an informal, unstructured gathering of coffee lovers. We will now meet at the recently renovated Rickett’s Point Kiosk in Beach Road, Beaumaris. Parking in the adjoining beachside car park is free for Bayside residents who have a parking permit properly affixed to their windscreens. Starting on 24 May 2022, come and join us on the fourth Tuesday of the month at 10.30am at the Rickett’s Point Kiosk. There’s a variety of snacks and delicious cakes available, and a large table has been reserved for us on the deck of the Kiosk. There’s no need to book, just turn up for some convivial company in a million-dollar setting.
Graeme Storey 9 May 2022