
Gelati Walk

On a hot autumn night, saved only by a lovely breeze, we met for our delayed annual gelati walk. Meeting in Spring St Sandringham we proceeded to walk east along Spring St to Tjilatjirrin Reserve. Never heard of it, well neither had I. Lots of chatter and ...


BBQ 20 March

Come to a barbeque on the 20th March at Jim and Joan's place - 216 Bay Rd Sandringham at 5.00pm.  Sausages, salads and tea and coffee provided. Please BYO plates, cutlery, drinks and glasses. Parking is very limited so it is easier to park in a side stree ...

Gelati tub

Gelati Walk

On Monday March 10 we will have our traditional gelati twilight walk. We will meet on the corner of Spring Street and Bluff Road, Sandringham (Melway 76 K12) at 7.00pm before walking along some of the local streets and through parkland for approximately 4 ...


Theatre Night

All those members interested in seeing the play “Ladies in Black” on Friday 14th March 7.30pm at Beaumaris Theatre (Wells Road ) - tickets are now available on line at   Full price $38. Concession $35. (As the play is set u ...