A community service activity of Rotary clubs in the South Pacific region. It is designed to promote the advancement of intellectual and social interests among men and women who are no longer working full time.
Join together in a social club to open the door to new experiences and friendships. They retire from work, not life. They build knowledge with travel opportunities, outings and enjoy interesting speakers.
Opened their doors in May 2001. They meet monthly at the Cheltenham Golf Club and welcome new members. There are just over 90 members drawing from the bayside suburbs including Beaumaris, Black Rock, Cheltenham, Mentone and Sandringham.
Members are encouraged to come to the General Meetings held on the third Wednesday each month at 10am. These meetings are the main club activity with most members attending. The meeting is chaired by the Club President and the format covers:
Committee reports
Upcoming tours and events
Morning tea
An invited Guest Speaker
Members receive the club’s monthly newsletter ‘Waves’ via email. Previous editions are available in the Current News section of this website. Editor: Graeme Storey
The club website is constantly updated with information and reports of activities:
Members are encouraged to contribute content to the website, eg, photos, local information, travel experiences, reports on club activities. There are several images of members enjoying the variety of events offered. Should a member prefer a particular photo be removed, please contact Christine Simmons
Annual subscriptions and payments for events are part of everyday business at our club. We currently have three payment methods:
- EFT(Electronic Funds Transfer) via an online account. The advantage of using this method is that both Member and the Treasurer have an independent confirmation of payment. The same advantage is gained if you go into your own bank to transfer funds (but please put your phone number in the payment description so that the Treasurer can identify who is paying). The Club’s bank account is BSB 033-033 Acc No 170138.
2. Credit Card payment via this website. Open Shop under Members’ heading. Click on the event or item you want to purchase. For safety reasons, the website uses the second biggest payment provider in the world and does not retain your card details unless you want it to. Within a minute or two of submitting payment you will receive an email confirming your payment, and at the same time the Treasurer will receive an email confirming that you have paid. Again both the Member and the Treasurer will have independent confirmation of the payment. Remember that using this method or EFT, the Club gets none of your personal details other than payment amount, the event and your name.
3. If you are not able to pay electronically, cash is also a valid payment method, but unfortunately does not provide independent confirmation of payment. It also has the disadvantage of Convenors and the Treasurer being required to handle sizeable amounts of cash.
Enquiries regarding membership are welcome . This can be done through contacting the Membership Officer, Margot Ryan on 0427 436 693.