
President’s March Message

So, sayonara! This month marks the end of my Presidency. When I was asked to become Assistant Vice President I hadn’t even been inducted into the Club. They were difficult times with Covid restrictions. The incumbent Committee were working tirelessly to keep the Club afloat. I felt if I wanted a Club to join I had to be prepared to pitch in and help.
And so here we are today. We have weathered the storm and have  a great future ahead of us.
I had fantastic support from Committee members and Club members. At first it was daunting becoming President as there were a lot of members whose names I didn’t know, I had no knowledge of Club history and was just learning what the Club members likes were. Previous Committees had done a lot of work so we followed on what they had done with embellishments. I have said before, our  Committee members and Activity Coordinators are self motivated and this greatly reduced the burden on me. My deepest gratitude for the support everyone showed me. 
This past year is now confined to history and we have the new Presidency of Mike Simmons to look forward to. I urge everybody to be supportive of the incoming Committee and to participate freely  in the operation of the Club.
Thankyou everybody, Jim Tomlinson 

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