
President’s Message Feb 2024

In my last President’s message I hoped for an improvement in international affairs. I guess we have to say that did not happen and unfortunately things have probably got worse.
 So let’s turn to things we can control. We’ve got Probus, and we have hit the road running. Thirty nine people attended our January lunch at Flight Deck and had a good time. Petanque is up and running though the weather has been a challenge,  our walks have started, again the weather was unkind, and your activities convenors have functions locked in  for early this year.
Many thanks to our activity coordinators for giving up their time over the holidays to ensure the vibrancy of our Club.
It seems we have a well connected Club. Our member Trish Buggy is connected with Beverley Pinder on Community Radio 88.3. I was invited by Beverley to give an interview on air for 10-15 minutes in late November to talk about Probus and what it meant. The interview ran 25 minutes from the end of the 10.00am news to the start of the 10.30am news. The interview was somewhat structured but I did my best to hijack it in favour of our Club.
My year as President is rapidly coming to a close. The most important unfinished business is the recruitment of an Assistant Vice President. It would be nice if a female member would put her hand up. Any takers? 
Cheers, Jim Tomlinson Club President

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