
President’s Report August 2023

G’day everyone. Last month I was bemoaning we were in the depth of winter and here we are already seeing signs of spring with buds appearing in the garden. Just a couple of warm sunny days lift the spirits.
You are aware Mike Simmons and I attended a meeting of local club Presidents and Vice Presidents. The meeting was triggered by the number of clubs suffering membership drops. Of 11 clubs represented 3 or 4 were not distressed, ours being one of them. I have been asked why we are a surviving club and my response is “ attitude”. It is the attitude of you members who want the club to prosper and support it. Thankyou!
It would seem activities are the secret of keeping interest in the club. Your activity convenors are very motivated as you have already seen and you know there is more in the pipe line.
While we can take comfort in knowing the club is performing better than many, we want to improve interest in the club even more. More immediate upcoming events are lunch at Caldermede Farm in August, a sausage sizzle in October and we have some new activities we are investigating. Any  suggestions for new activities will be given serious consideration. Meanwhile please keep up the support of all activities as you have shown in recent months.
Cheers, Jim.

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