
President’s Message June 2023

Our May Committee meeting was enhanced with the presence of member observers who have shown an interest in possibly assisting with current and future Committee vacancies. In May our ‘observers’ were Joan Fry and Susan McGowan. I thank them for showing interest and it was pleasing they felt able to participate in conversations and contribute opinions. They have accepted an invitation to continue participating. 
At this time we are experiencing the ‘resurrection’ of the Club post Covid. Though Pétanque is in winter recess, it is pleasing to see our other activity groups are powering on and Bridge is starting up June 20th. Participation in our activities groups fulfil the ethos of Probus – Fellowship, Friendship and Fun.
Lunches are very popular and Joy Meekings set herself a high standard with the April lunch. Now Faye Wegat is looking to match this with the mid-year lunch at Sandy By The Bay June 29th.
Our Q and A session at the General Meetings is yet to get legs. It is intended to be an avenue for members to ask questions or make suggestions and for the Committee to report developments. It’s your Club. Please let us know what you would like to see happen.
Joan and I are relatively new to the Club and bit by bit we are hearing how active and how adventurous the Club was pre Covid. It will be great if we can continue that positiveness into the future.
I can’t finish without once again thanking Geoff Bakes, Brenda Matthews and Steve and Penny McColl for their efforts in delivering us a magnificent trip to Echuca. And I can divulge they are working on a similar trip for next year already and it has great potential too!
I trust everyone is in good health and look forward to seeing you at our June 21 general meeting.
Cheers, Jim Tomlinson President.  

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