
President’s Message May 2023

Many thanks for embracing your new Committee and your enthusiasm during our April meeting. A friend of mine once said “ we are only here for a short time but let’s make it a good time!”. We are a social club, not BHP, and your Committee is determined to be relevant and pro-active. Recovery after Covid has been difficult, especially for Marilyn, Steve and Geraldine as past Presidents who all deserve medals for keeping the Club buoyant.
Our Q and A segment is intended to act as a conduit for members to ask questions, give opinions and be informed. Share your good experiences with restaurant reviews, holiday destinations and anything else of interest to members. A classic subject is travel insurance, especially for those over 80 years old. A couple who are friends of ours have just paid over $5,000 for insurance for an extended overseas holiday. And this was by far the best price they could get!
I must acknowledge ANZAC day. My father’s uncle ( my great uncle ) was killed during the landing at Gallipoli. His body was never found and it took over 9 months and a court martial before my great aunt was granted a war widows pension. And then she got 10 shillings and 6 pence per week! How could we ever compensate those who lost their lives so we could live life as we do today. I hope you join me in wishing ANZAC day lives on.
Cheers, Jim Tomlinson President.   

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