Bowls23 featured

Twilight Bowls Report

We had 24 members join us for our Annual Twilight Bowls event in Sandringham. There were various skills on display ranging from concentrated effort to enthusiastic action.
As always, we had members of the Bowls Club providing tutoring, bar service and kitchen support. We appreciate their help as it makes the evening flow smoothly.

President Jim Tomlinson cheerfully announced the following awards:
Best Straight Shooter JANET JAMES
Best Off Centre Shooter KATHY MANALLAK
Most Enthusiastic Onlooker just wanting an award JOHN STRAUCH

Thank you to Geraldine for managing the event and, together with her band of helpers, providing the exceptional catering.
It was encouraging to see some of our newer members join in the fun.
Christine Simmons 23 March 2023

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