Geraldine pic2022

President’s Message March 2023

Hello Members
 This will be my last report as your President.
 I began this journey terrified of anything associated with being a President. However, I figured if I was going to do this job, I would give it my all and if I made mistakes then I shouldn’t feel that I had failed.
I even think I enjoyed most aspects of the role.
I thank you all for the favourable feedback that many of you have given me and the messages and emails of encouragement with regards to the stories from my youth.
I could not have progressed without the support of each and every member of the committee both past and present.
They, “the Committee”, have a particular roll to fulfill and they do it with enthusiasm and dedication. So, my sincere thanks to each of them.
I would also like to thank all the members of Beaumaris Bay Probus for supporting me and the team. If there were any grumbles, I didn’t hear them.
2022/23 we got our lives back to some sort of normality after Covid. There were disasters such as Bushfires, Floods, Cyclones, Earthquakes and Freezing Temperatures.
The world population passed 8 billion, Russia invaded Ukraine and we had a Federal and State Election.
We lost some much-loved Notables, The Queen, Pope Benedict, and Pele. Also, Shane Warne, Olivia Newton John, Judith Durham, Archie Roache and Renee Geyer. They will all be noticeably missed.
I would like to wish Jim Tomlinson President Elect all the best for the coming year. Jim is well experienced in this role and I am sure he will do an excellent job.
Let’s Keep Friendship, Fellowship and Fun alive and thriving in our club.
Best Wishes  Geraldine McGann  President

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