Kathy Ely for ‘The loudest moan when bending down to retrieve her ball’

Twilight Bowls & Dinner

We look forward to seeing you at Sandringham Bowls Club, Tulip Street, Sandringham at 5pm Thursday 23rd March. Lawn bowls will be supplied or bring your own. Members of the Bowls Club will be there to offer tuition. Please wear flat soled shoes.
Cost $30. This includes dinner. Drinks available at bar prices. Payment via EFT (BSB 033-033 Account no. 170138. Please include your name or reference number and event name, ie,Bowls Night). Alternatively you may pay via  credit card on this website (click on button below)
RSVP: by the 15th February 2023. Please register your name with Geraldine McGann at peter.mcgann@bigpond.com or Phone 9583 2323 or (0427 416 890.

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