tudor inn 1

Tudor Inn Lunch

Thirty-five members of the Beaumaris Bay Probus Club enjoyed our August lunch at The Tudor Inn, Nepean Highway Cheltenham.
What a delight it was to see people come together, especially some of our newest members. There was great camaraderie among the group and everybody was joining in with the conversations that were going on around them.
The food was very tasty. As you can see below, most of our members were too busy eating to be playful for some photos. Thank you to Neil and Janice for obliging.
I appreciate the fact that members took the time to come and support the committee and of course enjoy the company of their fellow members. It was a great day and there were still some of us talking at 2.45pm.
Faye Wegat Club Secretary 25 August. Thank you Faye for your report and photos.

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