
President’s Message August 2022

Dear Members  
Some of you may be heading off or making plans for a holiday. As you read this I am on my way to Qld. Having almost forgotten how to “Holiday “. It reminds me as a child we didn’t ever go away, as my parents were Farmers and back then Holidays just didn’t happen.  
However, in 1963 when I was about 15, it was decided that the Form 3’s at my school would go on a holiday to Brisbane. Twenty of us very excited girls including two Nuns headed off from Sale via Melbourne, Sydney and arrived in Brisbane about 36 hours later having slept on the train and eaten food we had brought from home. We wore our winter school uniform including hat and gloves the entire 10 days. We stayed at the Peoples Palace in the heart of Brisbane and went to 7.00 mass every morning!!
The holiday was wonderful and we did great things. Stradbroke Island, Gold Coast, Lone Pine Sanctuary, Mt Cootha and a Pineapple Cannery.
We returned the same way and it was agreed that our holiday was fantastic. I still catch up with one of the girls and we often talk and laugh about our holiday.
Let’s hope everyone has a safe and relaxing Holiday.

Thought for the Month:
Travelling opens your mind to the world outside your own and it reminds you that people all around the world are actually the same only different.

Geraldine McGann President 26 July 2022

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