Elvis and The Walking Group

At last the long awaited day to visit the Elvis Exhibition in Bendigo dawned. It was a freezing cold winter’s morning.  Not daunted by the weather, an excited, cheery group of 26, suitably attired, set out on this excursion. 

The trip was well organized.  Everything ran smooth as clockwork.  Most of us boarded the train at the prearranged time meeting the others at Southern Cross.  The Bendigo train line was closed and busses replaced the train.  Under Ken’s clear directions we made our way to the Bus depot from where we continued our journey. The bus was comfortable and the trip ‘sweetened’ by the lollies Liz kindly passed around. We arrived safely and on time in Bendigo. By now beginning to feel hungry, we made our way to the lunch stop ‘The Green Olive’ cafe.  From there, having been fed and watered, we proceeded to the Gallery and highlight of the day, the Elvis Exhibition. It was an excellent presentation of an amazing amount of memorabilia from this man.  The collection covered 10 rooms.  On display was a large mural of Graceland, his elaborate costumes, his guitar, sports car, motorcycle and much more.  In several rooms, excerpts from his concerts, a life sized Elvis in action was projected onto the walls with comfortable seating to watch the performances.  For me the exhibition was a trip down memory lane.

After the viewing we walked back to the station and bus stop (we are a walking group after all).  The home journey was uneventful passing quickly with lively chatter. Tired and happy we arrived home after a most enjoyable day.

Thanks to Ken and Liz for their expert tour guiding and organization.
Walking Group Reporter: Helga Anderson 9 June 2022

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