Xmas Lunch Fun, New Members, Awards

What a great celebration to end our year with our members enjoying each other’s company. The Beaumaris Motor Yacht Squadron restaurant hosted 75 of us in a very professional style. We saw so many greetings, smiles and reconnections. Jan Storey as MC kept the proceedings moving along in her relaxed, capable way that we have enjoyed in previous years. President Steve did not disappoint with his stories, jokes and official duties. Joy Meekings (photo in red below) kept us entertained with her poetry and stories about being a “Ten Pound Pom”. With wine, Xmas fare and laughter, what more could we ask for?
8 December 2021

President's Award

The President’s Award for 2021 was presented to Liz & Ken Launder at this Xmas lunch. Club President, Steve McColl, acknowledged the ongoing support and contribution that Liz & Ken have given to the club over several years. In particular, their continued convening of the club’s Walking Group has sustained many members during the recent restrictions.

New Club Members

“It was indeed a pleasure to induct our six new members after a long wait due to Covid restrictions. We look forward to seeing them at our regular meetings next year and continuing to participate in the club’s activities. Welcome to our club.” Margot Ryan Membership Officer

Photo below L to R : Joan Fry, Phyl McLean, Steve McColl, Joan Tomlinson, Helen Muter, Jim Tomlinson, Trish Buggy.

Thank you to Helga and her band of helpers for organising our Xmas Lunch

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