
Villa Alba Mansion & Studley Park

After threatening rain for a week, Thursday July 1 turned out to be a beautiful sunny day. Twenty- three intrepid members set off in cars for Studley Park Boathouse. I did say at the meeting that this trip would be an adventure! and I am pleased to say all bar one group set their Sat Navs. and checked street directories and did not get lost !! No names mentioned. 
We commenced our walk along the path following the Yarra River until we reached Dights Falls which is a rapid and weir on the Yarra just downstream of the junction with Merri Creek. The river narrows and is constricted between an 800,000-year-old volcanic, basaltic lava flow. The weir was created in 1840’s to divert water to a nearby Flour Mill the remains of which can still be seen from the viewing platform.  We returned back to the car park slightly exhausted and then proceeded to Studley Grounds Bistro where we had lunch booked. Following our leisurely lunch, Andrew Dixon the curator of Villa Alba met and welcomed us. We headed over the road to the mansion where we learnt about the history of Villa Alba plus some of the surrounding homes eg. Raheen, Como and Studley Park. Inside Villa Alba was evidence of an opulent lifestyle of long ago. However, in 1949 the property was purchased by the Royal Women’s Hospital to house nurses.The interior décor was painted over and all the elaborate furnishings disposed of.The gardens were destroyed and neglected. Prefab buildings were built all over the garden beds and was a hospital for Mothers and Babies and the junior nursing staff. Helga Anderson recalled doing a 6-week nursing post in the 1960’s and she gave us an insight of her experiences. The complex was then called Henry Pride Wing of the Royal Womens Hospital.
Since 1999 the property has been in the hands of a not-for-profit organization and relies totally on donations and small grants to maintain some of the restoration and upkeep. An enormous job as it was in a major state of disrepair.
All up a very enjoyable days outing. So good to be out and about!
Report:  Geraldine McGann   Vice President  4 July 2021 


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