
Membership Subscriptions

Annual subscriptions are now due and payable by 30 April. The 2021 subscription for renewing members is $30 (after applying a $20 discount due to the impact of the Covid restrictions during 2020). It’s $20 for In-active members. Payment is preferably by bank transfer to our Westpac account, BSB 033-033  Account no. 170138. Please include your name, e.g., Mary Smith subs. Cash payments (for the exact amount of the subs) may be made at the April General Meeting. If paying by cheque, the Club’s mailing address is: P.O. Box 6060, Cromer 3193.
Also, there is a new online Credit Card payment method available for Members’ convenience. You will find SHOP under the Members menu on this website. Click on the Membership 2021 icon and follow the prompts. Alternatively click on the button below to take you to the Shop page.

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