As I conclude my year as President, I have been thinking about Probus and its role in our community. Certainly there are very successful competitors such as U3A and Men’s Shed which compete for our membership. We have seen hundreds of Probus Clubs close o ...
Gelati Walk
On Monday March 10 we will have our traditional gelati twilight walk. We will meet on the corner of Spring Street and Bluff Road, Sandringham (Melway 76 K12) at 7.00pm before walking along some of the local streets and through parkland for approximately 4 ...
Theatre Night
All those members interested in seeing the play “Ladies in Black” on Friday 14th March 7.30pm at Beaumaris Theatre (Wells Road ) - tickets are now available on line at Full price $38. Concession $35. (As the play is set u ...