two croquet mallets and balls on a grassy background

Croquet Capers

Come and join us for an evening of fun playing croquet with your Probus friends.    5 pm Thursday 21 March Sandringham Croquet Club 94B Beach Road B10 beach Carpark, opposite Abbott St.BYO Drinks. Dinner is provided - Ch ...


The club is currently organising the 2024 getaway for next year. We have arranged a 4 night stay in Daylesford from Monday 29th April to Friday 3rd May. We have many members interested in being part of this very popular trip to a beautiful part of Vi ...


President’s Message November 2023

What an exciting time of the year this is. Football finals, spring racing carnival, daylight saving time and then Christmas. As the days warm up we get more enjoyment in the outdoors but in contrast we also have numerous lunches to enjoy. The Club's acti ...