Our Committee

The Committee is installed at the AGM in March. Members are encouraged to take on leadership roles in various ways as Committee members, activity convenors or occasional volunteering.

Together with Beryl, GARY STRAHAN was inducted in August. He too, enjoys playing cards and football. Other interests include golf and reading.

Gary Strahan

Phone 0400 031900
Mike Simmons

Mike Simmons

Immed. Past President
Phone 0412 743616
JANETTE JAMES was inducted at the September Meeting. She enjoys Mahjong, Reading, Walking, Travel, Plays and Opera.

Janette James

Vice President
Phone 0409 139404
Joan Fry

Joan Fry

Phone 0419 004102
Faye Wegat #2

Faye Wegat

Phone 0409 265 503
Marilyn image

Marilyn Hubbard

Assistant Vice President
Phone 0409 139404
Graeme Storey

Graeme Storey

Phone 0408 523178
Past President Steve McColl

Steve McColl

Speakers Coordinator
Phone 0418 544671

Margot Ryan

Phone 0427 436693
Lyn Mather

Lyn Mather

Phone 0424 220286
Geraldine pic2022

Geraldine McGann

Activities Coordinator
Phone 0427 416890
Julie Walshe

Julie Walshe

Asst. Speaker Coordinator
Phone 0427 416890